Em 07 de maio de 2013, 18:48h, gustavo <ggusm...@googlemail.com>

Olá Gustavo,

> Andre, por conta do trabalho e do tempo (mais de 2 dias
> comprometidos), acabei exportando o home e reinstalando o wheezy.
> Hoje vi isso aqui no #errata do debian wheezy:
> Potential issues with UEFI booting on amd64 There have been some
> reports of issues booting the Debian Installer in UEFI mode on amd64
> systems. Some systems apparently do not boot reliably using grub-efi,
> and some others show graphics corruption problems when displaying the
> initial installation splash screen.
> If you encounter either of these issues, please file a bug report and
> give as much detail as possible, both about the symptoms and your
> hardware - this should assist the team to fix these bugs. As a
> workaround for now, try switching off UEFI and installing using
> Legacy BIOS or Fallback modeinstead. *Status:* More bug fixes might
> appear in the various Wheezy point releases.

Apenas para informar, agora a página está traduzida. Caso alguém
encontre algum erro de digitação e/ou tradução, ficarei grato de puder
me informar.


Marcelo Santana (aka msantana) <marcgsant...@yahoo.com.br>
http://blog.msantana.eng.br | http://identi.ca/mgsantana
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