Retirado de em 06 de Julho de 2001 :


"There has been a bit of grumbling from some Debian developers, mostly over 
the fact that the LSB specifies the RPM package format as the standard for 
application distribution. Debian, of course, does not use RPM. Complaints, 
however, are both late and unfounded. The decision to go with RPM was made 
back at the beginning, over three years ago. It does not require compliant 
systems to use RPM as their native package format; it is sufficient that 
RPM-packaged, LSB-compliant applications be installable. And, in this 
context, "RPM" does not mean the moving target that is Red Hat's current 
format; it is, instead, specified as a subset of the older, version 3 format 
as documented in Maximum RPM. The Debian alien tool should be more than up to 
the task."


   Comentários ?

Andre Luis Lopes
andrelop at ig dot com dot br

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