#apt-key add $(wget http://apt.izzysoft.de/izzysoft.asc)
#echo 'deb http://apt.izzysoft.de/ubuntu generic universe' >>/etc/apt/sources.list
#apt-get update
#apt-get install monitorix

On 12-11-2014 13:02, Paulo Roberto Evangelista wrote:
A resposta está na página, Leia.

    Installation on a Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Many thanks to Andreas Itzchak Rehberg <mailto:izzy%20AT%20qumran.org> for sending me the following HOWTO:

Installation on Debian based systems is preferably done using the provided |.deb| packages. While you could download the latest package from here <http://www.monitorix.org/downloads.html> and install it manually, Monitorix is also available via an Apt repository from IzzySoft <http://apt.izzysoft.de/> which is easily integrated with your system (see instructions <http://apt.izzysoft.de/ubuntu/dists/generic/>) within not more than 2 minutes, and offers you a few added features:

  * Automatically resolves dependencies.
  * Automatically offers updates when available.

We will describe both variants here.

Commands have to be run as root. So either become root before, or prefix each of them with *sudo* (e.g. |sudo apt-get update|).

        Obtaining the package

Obtain the package and install it:

  * Via the repository
    # apt-get update
    # apt-get install monitorix
* Manually, downloading first the package and taking care for
    dependencies, and finally installing it.
    # apt-get update
    # apt-get install rrdtool perl libwww-perl libmailtools-perl 
libmime-lite-perl librrds-perl
    libdbi-perl libxml-simple-perl libhttp-server-simple-perl 
    # dpkg -i monitorix*.deb

    # apt-get -f install

        Configuring Monitorix

Monitorix ships with a default configuration file which works out-of-the-box. Moreover, the service is automatically started on package installation.

To fine-tune your installation, take a look at the |/etc/monitorix/monitorix.conf| file (and optionally the documentation <http://www.monitorix.org/documentation.html>) to adjust some things (like network interfaces, filesystems, disks, etc.).

*IMPORTANT NOTICE:* The Debian package also comes with an extra configuration file in |/etc/monitorix/conf.d/00-debian.conf| that includes some options specially adapted for Debian systems. *This file will be loaded right after the main configuration file*, hence some options in the main configuration will be overwritten by this extra file.

When you are done, restart Monitorix to let your changes take effect:

# service monitorix restart


Point your browser to http://localhost:8080/monitorix/ and enjoy!

Em 12 de novembro de 2014 12:37, henrique <jmhenri...@yahoo.com.br <mailto:jmhenri...@yahoo.com.br>> escreveu:

    Ou abaixa o .deb e instala com dpkg -i pacote.deb, se tudo mais
    falhar. :)

    *De:* henrique <jmhenri...@yahoo.com.br
    *Para:* Diác. C.J.Moretti <m...@mitranh.org.br
    *Enviadas:* Quarta-feira, 12 de Novembro de 2014 10:36
    *Assunto:* Re: Pacote monitorix


    as instruções estão na página de downloads. dai vc clica em Izzy
    repository, e segue o explicado. :)

    *De:* Diác. C.J.Moretti <m...@mitranh.org.br
    *Para:* debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
    *Enviadas:* Quarta-feira, 12 de Novembro de 2014 10:24
    *Assunto:* Pacote monitorix


    Encontrei material na internet sobre o pacote monitorix
    olhei a pagina do desenvolvedor ( www.monitorix.org
    <http://www.monitorix.org/>  )
    que mostra como instalar no Debian, porem...

    Não encontro o pacote no repositório...

    Alguém tem alguma dica o porque não esta disponível esse

    antes de mais nada atualizei o repositório...

    Diác. Moretti
    //         \///
            (o o)
    __________ oo0 - () - 0oo __________//
    Tarde te amei,
    Beleza antiga e tão nova,
    tarde te amei.

    Estavas dentro de mim
    e eu estava fora...
    Estavas comigo
    e eu não estava contigo...
     (Sto. Agostinho)

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