Estava lendo no Debian Java FAQ (que vem com o pacote java-common) que:

5.2.2 What virtual packages could I use?

 * java-common. It is the Mother Of All Java Packages, in the proposed policy.
It contains the text of the Policy (Docbook), as well as utilities scripts
(for instance to build a CLASSPATH from a list of jars (submissions welcome).

 * java-compiler-dummy.It is a small tool useful for the transition to the new
Policy. Until all compilers comply with the Policy, java-compiler-dummy
provides the following services:
       + Provides: java-compiler so upper packages are happy,
       + set CLASSPATH before calling the real compiler.

 * java-virtual-machine-dummy. It is a small tool useful for the transition to
the new Policy. Until all virtual machines comply with the Policy,
java-virtual-machine-dummy provides the following services:
       + Provides: java-virtual-machine so upper packages are happy,
       + set CLASSPATH before calling the real VM.

No woody só existem dois dos pacotes citados:

- java-common
- java-virtual-machine-dummy

Onde está o java-compiler-dummy ???



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