Pois é Thadeu,
o pstoedit tem para este monte de formatos, mas não converte para wmf nem para 
formatos do openoffice, e o openoffice não consegue ler de forma satisfatória 
nenhum dos formatos criados pelo pstoedit. É uma encruzilhada, mas valeu 
assim mesmo:)))

Em Wednesday 06 November 2002 15:08, Thadeu Penna escreveu:
> On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Ronaldo Reis Jr. wrote:
> > Alguem sabe se existe alguma forma de converter svg, eps ou ps para wmf
> > ou algum formato que o openoffice possa ler como vetorial??
> tjpp:viviane ~> pstoedit -help
> pstoedit: version 3.31 / DLL interface 108 (build Feb  4 2002) : Copyright
> (C) 1993 - 2001 Wolfgang Glunz
> usage: pstoedit [-help] [-bo] [-df fontname] [-dt] [-adt] [-dis] [-flat
> nn] [-fontmap mapfile] [-gstest] [-include file] [-merge] [-pagesize
> pagesize(e.g. a4)] [-scale nn] [-nb] [-nc] [-nomaptoisolatin1] [-noclip]
> [-nq] [-nfr][-page nn] [-psarg string] [-pti] [-pta] [-rgb] [-rotate
> angle] [-sclip] [-split] [-ssp] [-t2fontsast1] [-uchar char ] [-v] -f
> format [infile [outfile]]
> Default interpreter is /usr/bin/gs
> Available formats :
>         gnuplot:        gnuplot format  (built-in)
>         idraw:          Interviews draw format (EPS)    (built-in)
>         fig:            .fig format for xfig    (built-in)
>         xfig:           .fig format for xfig    (built-in)
>         tgif:           Tgif .obj format (for tgif version >= 3)
> (built-in)
>         sample:         sample driver: if you don't want to see this,
> uncomment the corresponding line in makefile and make again
> (built-in)
>         tk:             tk and/or tk applet source code         (built-in)
>         hpgl:           HPGL code       (built-in)
>         pic:            PIC format for troff et.al.     (built-in)
>         latex2e:        LaTeX2e picture format  (built-in)
>         mma:            Mathematica Graphics    (built-in)
>         mpost:          MetaPost Format         (built-in)
>         sk:             Sketch Format   (built-in)
>         kil:            .kil format for Kontour         (built-in)
>         pdf:            Adobe's Portable Document Format  (built-in)
>         gmfa:           ASCII GNU metafile      (built-in)
>         gmfb:           binary GNU metafile     (built-in)
>         plot:           GNU libplot output types, e.g. plot:type X
> (built-in) plot-pnm:       pnm  via GNU libplot    (built-in)
>         plot-cgm:       cgm  via GNU libplot    (built-in)
>         plot-ai:        ai   via GNU libplot    (built-in)
>         plot-svg:       svg  via GNU libplot    (built-in)
>         plot-ps:        ps   via GNU libplot    (built-in)
>         plot-fig:       fig  via GNU libplot    (built-in)
>         plot-pcl:       pcl  via GNU libplot    (built-in)
>         plot-hpgl:      hpgl via GNU libplot    (built-in)
>         plot-tek:       tek  via GNU libplot    (built-in)
>         plot-X:         X    via GNU libplot    (built-in)
>         java2:          java 2 source code      (built-in)
>         java1:          java 1 applet source code       (built-in)
>         dxf:            CAD exchange format     (built-in)
>         dxf_s:          CAD exchange format with splines        (built-in)
>         rpl:            Real3D Programming Language Format      (built-in)
>         rib:            RenderMan Interface Bytestream  (built-in)
>         lwo:            LightWave 3D Object Format      (built-in)
>         psf:            Flattened PostScript (no curves)        (built-in)
>         ps:             PostScript      (built-in)
>         debug:          for test purposes       (built-in)
>         dump:           for test purposes (same as debug)       (built-in)
>         gs:             any device that GhostScript provides - use
> gs:format, e.g. gs:pdfwrite  (built-in) ps2ai:          Adobe Illustrator
> via ps2ai.ps of GhostScript (built-in)
>  ___                  _                 .''`.
>   | |_  _. _| _      |_) _ ._ ._  _.   : :'  :
>   | | |(_|(_|(/_|_|  |  (/_| || |(_|   `. `'`
>                     Linux User #50500    `-
> Prof.Adjunto - Instituto de Física   ----Debian-
> Universidade Federal Fluminense      Alpha/K6/K7


Quem não sabe porque perde, também não sabe porque ganha

--Luis Felipe Scolari
|   //|\\   [*****************************][*******************]
|| ( õ õ )  [Ronaldo Reis Júnior          ][PentiumIII-600     ]
|     V     [ESALQ/USP-Entomologia, CP-09 ][HD: 30 + 10 Gb     ]
||  / l \   [13418-900 Piracicaba - SP    ][RAM: 128 Mb        ]
|  /(lin)\  [Fone: 19-429-4199 r.229      ][Video: SiS620-8Mb  ]
||/(linux)\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]      ][Modem: Pctel-onboar]
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