Obrigado pela sugestao.
Tentei a sugestao, porem nao funcionou.
Aqui na minha documentacao, "write list", aparentemente nao pode ser
enderecos ip, veja:

write list (S)
This is a list of users that are given read-write access to a service. If
the connecting user is in this list then they will be given write access, no
matter what the writeable option is set to. The list can include group names
using the @group syntax.

Note that if a user is in both the read list and the write list then they
will be given write access.

See also the read list option.

Default: write list = <empty string>

Example: write list = admin, root, @staff


Corrija-me se estiver errado.


> [publico]
>     comment = Home Directories
>     path = /home/publico
>     browseable = yes
>     writable = yes
>     public = yes
>     write list =
> <|>
> <|> Estou precisando criar um compartilhamento no samba, com as seguites
> <|> caracteristicas:
> <|>
> <|> 1. pode ser lido por todos
> <|> 2. so a maquina de ip pode gravar/ler ( independente do
login user/passwd )
> <|> 3. o paramentro  "security"  tem que ser igual a  "SHARE".
> <|>

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