O que estes scanproxy fazem eh verificar
vunerabilidades e erro de configuracoes em http
proxyserv, squid server, socks 4/5 server. Fale para o
pessoal do provedor "fixar".

--- Marcio de Araujo Benedito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Pessoal,
> Estou tebtabdo entrar no irc e esta aparecendo o
> seguinte erro:
> ------inicio-----
> Python interface loaded
>  Perl interface loaded
>  Tcl plugin for XChat - Version 1.0.32
>  Copyright 2002-2003 Daniel P. Stasinski
>  Tcl plugin loaded successfully!
> --- Looking up
> --- Connecting to
> ( port 6667..
> --- Connected. Now logging in..
> --- *** Looking up your hostname...
> --- *** Found your hostname, welcome back
> --- *** Checking ident
> --- *** Got ident response
> --- *** Banned: proxyscan; Open proxy found on your
> host. Please check
> with [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information.
> --- Closing Link: china (Banned)
> --- Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
>  Cycling to next server in Debian Servers...
> --- Disconnected ().
> --------fim-------
> Bem, que "open proxy" e este que foi encontrado no
> meu host? Estou
> usando dial-up e ontem me conectei normalmente. E
> alguima coisa com meu
> provedor???
> -- 
> Outgoing mail is certified Windows Free.
> Checked by Debian GNU/Linux <>.
> "free your computer and your soul will follow..."
> -- 
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  • erro no xchat Marcio de Araujo Benedito
    • Rildo Taveira de Oliveira

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