Resoveu o meu problema.

> Wagner
> Usa o ncftp....
> apt-get install ncftp (377k)
> ncftp> help get
> get: fetches files from the remote host.
> Usage: get [-flags] file1 [file2...]
> Flags:
>   -R   : Recursive.  Useful for fetching whole directories.
>   -z   : Get the remote file X, and name it to Y.
>   -a   : Get files using ASCII mode.
>   -A   : Append entire remote file to the local file.
>   -f   : Force overwrite (do not try to auto-resume transfers).
> Examples:
>   get README
>   get README.*
>   get "**Name with stars and spaces in it**"
>   get -R new-files-directory
>   get -z WIN.INI ~/junk/windows-init-file
> Cheers,
> Frederico
> > Gostaria de saber se existe um comando "ftp", que permita a
> > transferencia de
> > > > um diretorio inteiro ( inclusive seus subdiretorios ) entre
maquinas, a
> > fim
> > > > de evitar a transferencia um a um dos arquivos, bem como a criacao
> > > > sb-diretorios.
> > > >

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