Em Tue, 23 Sep 2003 10:22:52 -0300, "Moises Duque" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Bom dia a todos.
> No Wood existe ProFtp(FtpPro)? Quais servidores de FTP estao
> disponiveis ?

$ apt-cache search ftp server
ftpd - FTP server
bsd-ftpd - Port of the OpenBSD FTP server
ftpd-ssl - FTP server with SSL encryption support.
vsftpd - The Very Secure FTP Daemon
muddleftpd - A flexible and efficient FTP daemon
lukemftpd - The enhanced ftp daemon from NetBSD.
oftpd - A secure anonymous FTP server
krb5-ftpd - Secure FTP server supporting MIT Kerberos
proftpd - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon
proftpd-ldap - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon (with LDAP support)
proftpd-mysql - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon (with SQL support)
proftpd-pgsql - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon (with SQL support)
wu-ftpd - powerful and widely used FTP server
libnet-ftpserver-perl - A secure, extensible and configurable Perl FTP
twoftpd - a simple secure efficient FTP server

André Carezia
Eng. de Telecomunicações
Carezia Consultoria - www.carezia.eng.br

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