Dear Friends,

Let me introduce myself first....I am Raaj. I am actually from Kerala in India but brought up in North India. Friends, I am 33 years old and am a very talented singer, composer and lyrisist (hindi only)...I have a hindi album to prove it....Actually I recorded the album in 1999 and have not been able to release it till now due to circumstances....It was on the verge of being released through 'Milestone India' which is affiliated to EMI, London...but due to some last minute complications , it could not be released....Every person who has heard the album (including some very big names in Indian and malayalam film industry) have praised me a lot for the quality of songs and the music....but even then I could not release it....
Friends, just because I went after my ambitions to prove my talents, I got into bad terms with my father who had a lot of hope in me ( I am basically a Civil Engineering Graduate)....Now I am in Dubai and am working for a company as a web disigner.. ..To prove you my cretaive abilities I will list some of the websites that I have made...Please visit :

 and many more........Now I want to release my album before something happens to my father (he is 69 years old)...and also my ambition is to direct a movie which I will do some day or the other if god is kind enough (I have assisted the national award winning director 'Jayaraj' for some time and during that time I also wrote a film script which again has been appreciated by people who have read it....anyway I am keeping that aside for the moment).

Friends, while working in the company here I feel it will be almost impossible for me to fulfill my ambitions. Even my friends in Dubai (who had great hope in me and some were ardent fans of my music), have started losing hope in me due to the time delay. They act very supportive in front of me but say things behind me back like .....his talents will be wasted, I see no hope for him and things like that. But I know all of them have a hope that I may make it some day or the other cause none of my friends have shown the courage to go after their ambitions the way I did.

Around 3 months back when there were some problems with my previous company and I quit the job (they were keeping me on visit visa for 1 year but kept on postponing my employment visa application. They used to promise me during every visit visa that they will do it the next time for sure.....but later on I came to know that since all his other employees were Indians, he was not able to get a residence visa for me(that's how the rules of UAE are). He wanted me badly but I wanted the visa badly).

Many of my so called friends stated isolating me after a month of quitting my job thinking that I will become a financial burden on them. That is the time when I realised who my good friends were. But friends, at that time I was so depressed that I even contemplated comitting suicide.That is when one of my good friends took me to a Psychatrist Dr. Amir( I will be grateful to him throughout my life for changing my way of thinking ...he is a very great man. He used to call me everyday and boost my confidence).
One week back I met a person called Mr. Peter (based in Dubai media city. He is a junior manager ion a multinational company). He saw my work and told me that he will help me to set up a small office inside their office by convincing his boss about my abilities and he did it. The arrangement is I will have a workstation inside their office and will be on their visa but I have to pay for my visa and a monthly rent to them(they don't want anything from my pr ofits) . I can even use their logo on my visiting card. I see this as a ray of hope which can help me in realising my dreams.

Now let me come to the point..I don't want to bore you with a longer story.
Friends, if you  contribute even a small amount that u can, I will be very grateful to you throughout my life. If the response is good I think I will set up a Music and Multimedia company in Dubai Media City and work hard to realise my dreams. Also I will keep you updated about the developments and give you your share of the profit. Pls. dont forget to send ur complete address and phone number to me and the amt. you are sending as well....friends I am doing this because I feel that time is running out and it is high time I do something to show the world that I did not run after my dreams for nothing.

Pls. help me friends ....... If the album is released and is a hit, I will surely involve you in it. That's a name is RajGopal Vasudevan Pillai and my account number is 0101-344268-001 (ME bank, Dubai)...check

Nothing more to write....If any of you would like to hear my songs, pls. respond positively to this mail and I will try to mail u small bits of my 2 or 3 songs(because of file size problems...I hope you understand)...


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