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usa o dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
muito facil e resolve o seu problema.

 --- Otavio Augusto S Carpinteiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
escreveu: > 
> Estou tentando fazer a minha primeira instalacao de
> Linux. Estou usando 
> o Debian.
> Nao consigo por o X11 no ar. A minha placa de video
> e' a NVidia Riva 
> TNT2 Model 64
> (que acredito tenha 32Mb de memoria).
> Como nao existia o XF86Config em /etc/X11/, rodei o
> xf86config passando 
> os dados
> do mouse, monitor e placa de video.
> Criei um novo arquivo xserverrc em /etc/X11/xinit/,
> pois o anterior 
> continha a
> linha:
>    exec /usr/bin/X11/X -dpi 100 -nolisten tcp
> e o diretorio /usr/bin/X11/X/ nao existe ... (a
> proposito que exec e' 
> este ??)
> Ao executar startx da' o seguinte erro:
>    xinit: No such file or directory
>    xinit: No such process
> (obs: ainda nao verifiquei o codigo da procedure
> startx)
> Busquei o driver
> (que suponho seja o 
> da minha
> placa de video) no site da NVidia e tentei
> instala-lo. Ele tenta 
> compilar pois
> os pre-compilados disponiveis sao da Red Hat,
> Mandrake, SuSE. Acho que o 
> Debian
> nao usa o rpm e por isso da' a mensagem abaixo:
> Using: nvidia-installer ncurses user interface
> -> License accepted.
> -> No precompiled kernel interface was found to
> match your kernel; would 
> you li
>    ke the installer to attempt to download a kernel
> interface for your 
> kernel f
>    rom the NVIDIA ftp site
> ( (Answer: Yes)
> -> No matching precompiled kernel interface was
> found on the NVIDIA ftp 
> site;
>    this means that the installer will need to
> compile a kernel interface for
>    your kernel.
> ERROR: Unable to find the kernel source tree for the
> currently running 
> kernel.
>        Please make sure you have installed the
> kernel source files for your
>        kernel; on Red Hat Linux systems, for
> example, be sure you have the
>        'kernel-source' rpm installed.  If you know
> the correct kernel source
>        files are installed, you may specify the
> kernel source path with the
>        '--kernel-source-path' commandline option.
> Alguem teria alguma sugestao ?
> Agradeco antecipadamente.
> -- 
> Otavio 
> -- 
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..: Cr0n0s :..


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