2004-04-05, 11:52 -0300, Altecnet (Luiz Fernando):
> Grato !!
> A opção -sV não existe !!
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Sormany Brilhante" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Em Seg 05 Abr 2004 08:29, Altecnet (Luiz Fernando) escreveu:
> > > Bom dia,
> > > Pessoal alguem ai pode me informar como descobrir a versão do software
> > > servidor de um serviço, por exemplo : http:80 Apache versão .....
> >
> > #nmap -sV -sT -v ip_do_servidor
> >
> > alem da versao mostra mais o SO e outros.

A Opção existe sim. O seu nmap está desatualizado:

" -sV       Version detection: Afer TCP  and/or  UDP  ports  are
            discovered using  one of the other scan methods, version
detection communi‐ cates with those ports to try and determine more
about what  is actually  running.  A file called nmap‐service‐probes is
used to determine the best probes for detecting various services and the
match  strings  to  expect.  Nmap tries to determine the service
protocol (e.g. ftp, ssh, telnet,  http),  the  application name (e.g.
ISC Bind, Apache httpd, Solaris telnetd), the version num‐ ber, and
sometimes  miscellaneous  details  like  whether an  X server  is open
to connections or the SSH protocol version).  If Nmap was compiled with
OpenSSL support, it will connect to  SSL servers  to  deduce the service
listening behind the encryption.  When RPC services are discovered, the
Nmap RPC grinder  is used to determine the RPC program and version
numbers.  Note that the Nmap ‐A option also enables  this  feature.
For  a  much more detailed  description  of Nmap service detection, read
our paper at http://www.insecure.org/nmap/versionscan.html .  There is
a related  ‐‐version_trace  option  which causes Nmap to print out
extensive debugging info about what version  scanning  is doing (this is
a subset of what you would get with ‐‐packet_trace). "

Mas talvez um

"telnet localhost 80" resolva... assim que ele conectar, você digita:


Sem os ======, claro.

Aqui ele retorna por exemplo:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ telnet www.debian.org 80
Connected to gluck.debian.org.
Escape character is '^]'.

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2004 21:47:43 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.26 (Unix) Debian GNU/Linux PHP/4.1.2 DAV/1.0.3
Location: http://www.debian.org/distrib/ftplist
Connection: close

Connection closed by foreign host.



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