Olá ...

Estou com problemas no debmirror.

Estou usando a seguinte linha para executá-lo:

/usr/bin/debmirror /dados/mirror --method=rsync --progress --nosource
-e rsync --host=ftp.br.debian.org --root=:debian --dist=sarge
--section=main,contrib,non-free --arch=i386 --cleanup --getcontents

Ele realiza o processo e mostra uma mensagem de erro no final.

Mirroring to /dados/mirror from rsync://anonymous:ftp.br.debian.org/:debian/
Arches: i386
Dists: sarge
Sections: main,contrib,non-free
Download at most 200 files per rsync call.
Attempting to get lock, this might take 2 minutes before it fails.
Get Release files.
remote_get rsync dists/sarge/Release
receiving file list ... 
4 files to consider
       22828 100%   21.77MB/s    0:00:00  (1, 100.0% of 4)

sent 374 bytes  received 295 bytes  1338.00 bytes/sec
total size is 22828  speedup is 34.12
remote_get rsync dists/sarge/Release.gpg
receiving file list ... 
4 files to consider
         315 100%  307.62kB/s    0:00:00  (1, 100.0% of 4)

sent 186 bytes  received 171 bytes  238.00 bytes/sec
total size is 315  speedup is 0.88
gpg: Signature made Wed Jan 12 18:27:48 2005 BRST using RSA key ID 1DB114E0
gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found
Release signature does not verify
Get Packages and Sources files and other miscellany.
remote_get rsync dists/sarge/Contents-i386.gz
receiving file list ... 
4 files to consider
     8028524 100%   33.15MB/s    0:00:00  (1, 100.0% of 4)

sent 17195 bytes  received 11516 bytes  19140.67 bytes/sec
total size is 8028524  speedup is 279.63
Failed to download some Package, Sources, Contents or release files!
releasing 1 pending lock... at /usr/lib/perl5/LockFile/Simple.pm line 182.

Alguem pode me ajudar por favor?

Agradeço desde já.

Fabricio Vaccari Constanski || [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Seja Livre, use Linux || Linux User 295747
Debian-PR || http://www.debian-pr.org
Conectiva Linux Certified

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