No dia 15/07/2005 às 10:51,
Leandro Santoro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

> preciso fazer uma medição de performance geral do sistema. procuro uma
> ferramenta que gere alguns índices que possam ser comparáveis. Ao invés
> de utilizar as ferramentas do sistema como o sar, vmstat, top, ps, entre
> outras... gostaria de utilizar uma ferramenta própria de benchmark, que
> gerasse algum tipo de relatório.
> estou testando as que eu encontrei com apt-cache search benchmark, mas
> até agora não encontrei nada que suprisse minha necessidade.

Talvez isto possa te interessar:

Linux: Performance Testing The Kernel

  Kenneth Chen announced the Linux Kernel Performance Project, "we
  decided to run a large set of benchmarks covering core components of
  the Linux kernel (virtual memory management, I/O subsystem, process
  scheduler, file system, network, device driver, etc) on a regular
  basis." Results from 13 benchmark utilities are displayed in both table
  and graph format, run on several different servers. The 2.6.9 kernel
  [story] is used as the baseline, compared against various more recent
  kernels up to 2.6.13-rc1. Ken explains:

                "Our goal is to work with the Linux community to further enhance
                the performance of the Linux kernel. The data available on the 
                allows community members to closely track performance gains and
                losses with every version of the kernel. Ultimately, we hope 
                this data will result in performance increases in Linux kernel

Douglas Augusto
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