Tenho à muito tempo problemas com o WINE,
Agorta ele se recusa a rodar nem se quer um emulador de mega-drive !
Eu uso o WineTools para configura-lo,
faço tudo o que manda, dou o caminho para os drives, hds e tudo mais,
configuro como dizem nos inumeros tutoriais para intala-lo e roda-lo,
ja baixei ele pelo apt-get, tentei pelos RPMs e pelos tar.gz, acontece
sempre o mesmo erro depois de configurar :

        You have started Wine without specifying any arguments.

        Wine requires at least one argument - the name of the Windows
        application you would like to run.

        If you have launched this through the KDE menu system
        and your KDE installation is specially configured for Wine,
        then you can use the KDE file browser to select a Windows
        executable and then click on it to launch Wine with
        that application.

        You can similarly use the GNOME file manager to
        select a Windows executable and double click on it.

        If you would like to see the command line arguments
        for Wine, select the second option, below.
Help-me Please !

Umbigo, uma razão de viver....

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