Tiago Saboga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Carlos, 
> de acordo com a página de manual, o update-rc.d é feito para ser usado por 
> scripts de instalação, e não pélo adm do sistema. Veja o trecho abaixo, da 
> página de manual:
> Please note that this program was designed for  use  in  package  main-
>        tainer  scripts and, accordingly, has only the very limited functional-
>        ity required by such scripts.  System administrators are not encouraged
>        to  use  update-rc.d  to  manage runlevels.  They should edit the links
>        directly or use runlevel editors such as sysv-rc-conf and bum  instead.

Olá Tiago.

$ apt-cache show file-rc 

Se alhe agradar, instale o programa, edite /etc/runlevel.conf 

# apt-get install file-rc
# ${EDITOR} /etc/runlevel.conf

e seja feliz :)

Marcio Roberto Teixeira

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