Esqueci de uns outros pacotes:

* notifyme
 A program to notify the user when other one logs in

* debian-goodies
 Small toolbox-style utilities for Debian systems

* dvdbackup
 tool to rip DVD's from the command line

* fdupes
 Identifies duplicate files within given directories

* mrename
 A tool for easy and automatic renaming of many files
  Mass Rename is a simple pair of shell scripts which make it easier to 
move, rename, or copy multiple files at once. It is intended mainly as an 
automatic and simple way to rename multiple files with a customizable 
prefix and a progressive number. 

* multicd
 Backup your data to CD-R/CD-RW
 Give multicd the files/directories you want backed up and it will create 
as many CDs as it needs to, prompting the user to put in a new disc 
whenever needed.

* scponly
 Restricts the commands available to scp- and sftp-users
 "scponly" is an alternative 'shell' (of sorts) for system administrators 
who would like to provide access to remote users to both read and write 
local files without providing any remote execution priviledges.

Alem desses, pacotes, vcs ja' devem ter outros programas interessantes e 
bizarros, que ja' vem no coreutils:

factor - Print the prime factors of each parameter
shred - delete a file securely, first overwriting it to hide its contents
fmt - simple optimal text formatter


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