Acabo de recibir una nota donde me dicen que se ha votado, hoy , NO a las 
patentes, parece ser que gana la libertad sobre el dinero! :)) 

Strasbourg, 6 July 2005 -- The European Parliament today decided by a large
majority to reject the software patents directive. This rejection was the
logical answer to the Commission's refusal to restart the legislative 
in February and the Council's unwillingness to engage in any kind of 
with the Parliament. The FFII congratulates the European Parliament on its
clear "no" to bad legislative proposals and procedures.

This is a great victory for those who have campaigned to ensure that 
innovation and competitiveness is protected from the threat of software and
business process patents. It marks the end of this attempt by the European
Commission to codify into law the US-style practice of the European Patent
Office. We believe that the Parliament's work, in particular the 21 
amendments, provides a good basis on which future legislative projects can

Rejection provides breathing space for new initiatives based on all the
gained during the last five years. All institutions are now fully aware of 
concerns of all stakeholders. However, the fact that the Council Common
Position needs 21 amendments in order to be transformed into a coherent 
of legislation indicates that the text is simply not ready to enter the
Conciliation between Parliament, Commission and Council. We hope the 
and Council will at least respond to the concerns raised by Parliament the 
time, in order to avoid this sort of backlash in the future.

Jonas Maebe, FFII Board Member, comments on the outcome of today's vote:

"This result clearly shows that thorough analysis, genuinely concerned 
and factual information have more impact than free ice-cream, boatloads of
hired lobbyists and outsourcing threats. I hope this turn of events can 
people new faith in the European decision making process. I also hope that 
will encourage the Council and Commission to model after the European
Parliament in terms of transparency and the ability of stakeholders to
participate in the decision-making process irrespective of their size."

The FFII wishes to thank all those people who have taken the time to 
their representatives. We also thank the numerous volunteers who have so
generously given their time and energy. This is your victory as well as the

Un saludo y felicidades a los que NO querian las patentes!. Peter Holm.
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