 Tengo un problema, es acerca de mi servidor NIS: tengo 10 maquinas
conectadas a una red local y no uso shadow. Y  con la version anterior
de Debian (1.3) no tuve problema alguno, pero ahora con esta version (2.0)
me marca lo siguiente:

We need some  minutes to build the databases...
Building /var/yp/Herejia/ypservers...
Running /var/yp/Makefile...
/bin/sh: 1: command not found
make[1]: Entering directory `/var/yp/Herejia'
make[1]: `ypservers' is up to date.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/yp/Herejia'
make[1]: Entering directory `/var/yp/Herejia'
Updating passwd.byname...
failed to send 'clear' to local ypserv: RPC: Program not
registered/bin/sh: 1: command not found
YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound
Could not read ypservers: 3 Can't bind to server which serves this domain
Updating passwd.byuid...
failed to send 'clear' to local ypserv: RPC: Program not
registered/bin/sh: 1: command not found
YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound
Could not read ypservers: 3 Can't bind to server which serves this domain
Updating netid.byname...
failed to send 'clear' to local ypserv: RPC: Program not
registered/bin/sh: 1: command not found
YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound
Could not read ypservers: 3 Can't bind to server which serves this domain
make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/yp/Herejia'

 Alguien tiene alguna idea de como corregir este problema?? de antemano


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