El Thursday 08 February 2007 18:10:39 Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz escribió:

> En todo caso, seguramente que sí se mantiene. El proyecto Gnome acaba
> de migrar de CVS a SVN conservandolos.
> /me se pregunta si Israel está siendo a su vez irónico.

De la página de cvs2svn:
But unfortunately, CVS doesn't record complete information about your 
project's history. For example, CVS doesn't record what file modifications 
took place within the same CVS commit. Therefore, cvs2svn attempts to infer 
from CVS's incomplete information what really happened in the history of your 
repository. So the second goal of cvs2svn is to reconstruct as much of your 
CVS repository's history as possible.

Si se guardan los históricos en la medida de lo posible, y si, trataba de ser 
irónico ;-)

BOFH excuse #220:

Someone thought The Big Red Button was a light switch.

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