Nada más para suplir un poco más de información:

  992  ?  S    0:00 /usr/X11R6/bin/ 
  993  ?  S    3:02  \_ /usr/X11R6/bin/X 
 1011  ?  SW   0:00  \_ (Xsession)
 1035  ?  S    0:11      \_ /usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker 
 1055  ?  S    0:00          \_ xterm -ls 
 1056  p0 SW   0:00          |   \_ (bash)
 1344  p0 SW   0:00          |       \_ (less)
 1210  ?  S    0:01          \_ xterm -ls 
 1211  p1 SW   0:00          |   \_ (bash)
 1216  p1 S    0:00          |       \_ epic4 -c #debian-devel m2- forward.openp
 1261  ?  S    0:00          \_ xterm -ls 
 1262  p2 SW   0:00          |   \_ (bash)
 1351  p2 S    0:00          |       \_ slogin simula 
 1320  ?  S    0:02          \_ xterm -ls 
 1321  p3 S    0:00          |   \_ -bash 
 1851  p3 S    0:00          |       \_ /usr/X11R6/bin/xdvi.bin -name xdvi liaci
 1376  ?  S    0:00          \_ xterm -ls 
 1377  p5 S    0:00          |   \_ -bash 
 1569  p5 S    0:00          |       \_ info latex 
 2023  ?  S    0:00          \_ xterm -ls 
 2024  p6 S    0:00          |   \_ -bash 
 2033  p6 R    0:00          |       \_ ps axf 
 1037  ?  S    0:00          \_ ssh-agent /usr/bin/X11/wmaker 
 1039  ?  S    0:00          \_ asclock -shape -iconic 
 1041  ?  S    0:00          \_ wmmon 
 1042  ?  S    0:00          \_ wmifs 
 1043  ?  S    0:00          \_ wmmount -w 
 1054  ?  S    1:07          \_ /usr/bin/emacs 
 1354  p4 S    0:00          |   \_ /bin/bash 
 1289  ?  SW   0:00          \_ (navigator-smoti)
 1314  ?  S    4:47              \_ /usr/lib/netscape/45/navigator/navigator-smo
 1315  ?  SW   0:00                  \_ (navigator-smoti)

[3 pollux:~] ps u 993
root       993  2.3 14.0 15108  8928  ?  R    08:50   3:02 /usr/X11R6/bin/X 

[5 pollux:~] free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         63720      57984       5736      20308       2000      27740
-/+ buffers/cache:      28244      35476
Swap:        65516      18608      46908

[6 pollux:~] uptime
 11:01am  up  2:51,  6 users,  load average: 0.04, 0.06, 0.01

[7 pollux:~] xdpyinfo 
name of display:    :0.0
version number:    11.0
vendor string:    The XFree86 Project, Inc
vendor release number:    3320
  dimensions:    1152x864 pixels (390x293 millimeters)
  resolution:    75x75 dots per inch
  depths (1):    16
    visual id:    0x22
    class:    TrueColor
    depth:    16 planes

Estoy convencido. Lo de nuestro amigo es un problema en el servidor de X y/o
el NS.


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