On 7/30/07, ramirex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tonny solo una corrección Java al igual que sus ide's no son software libre
> por ejemplo netbeans tiene licencia CDDL
> no es por hacer polémica yo también las uso, pero no son software libre
> --

   Segun la FSF si es una licencia de software que se puede
considerar libre, aunque es incompatible con la GPL [1]. Cito:

This is a free software license which is not a strong copyleft; it has
some complex restrictions that make it incompatible with the GNU GPL.
It requires that all attribution notices be maintained, while the GPL
only requires certain types of notices. Also, it terminates in
retaliation for certain aggressive uses of patents. So, a module
covered by the GPL and a module covered by the CDDL cannot legally be
linked together. We urge you not to use the CDDL for this reason.

[1] http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/


Roger Orellana

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