El día 17 de mayo de 2009 18:32, Felix Perez
<felix.listadeb...@gmail.com> escribió:
> El día 17 de mayo de 2009 12:28, Juan Lavieri <jlavi...@cantv.net> escribió:
>> aabi...@gmail.com escribió:
>>> Hombre te estás un poco equivocado, ramas en si hay cuatro y si me apuras
>>> cinco. La stable (ahora Lenny), la Testing (ahora squeeze), la Unstable
>>> (siempre es Sid), y la Experimental.
>> Está bién.  Si es como tu dices, ¿Cuál es el nombre código de la _rama_
>> experimental?
>> Además si tienes razón y es una rama entonces es necesario corregir lo que
>> aparece en la wikipedia en español que es lo siguiente:
>>     Experimental [editar
>> <http://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Debian&action=edit&section=10>]
>> No se trata de una /rama de desarrollo/ de distribución, sino de un
>> /repositorio de paquetes/:
>> deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/../project/experimental main
>> deb-src http://ftp.debian.org/debian/..project/experimental main
>> También procura que se corrija la información que aparece el la wikipedia en
>> inglés, la cual te copio a continuación:
>>     Distributions
>> The Debian Project offers 3 distributions to choose from, each with
>> different characteristics. The distributions include packages which comply
>> with the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG)
>> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian_Free_Software_Guidelines>; which are
>> included inside the /main/ repositories.^[74]
>> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian#cite_note-distributions-73>
>>   * *stable*, presently aliased /*lenny*/, is the current release that
>>     has stable and well tested software. /Stable/ is made by freezing
>>     /testing/ for a few months where bugs are fixed in order to make
>>     the distribution as stable as possible; then the resulting system
>>     is released as /stable/. It is updated only if major security or
>>     usability fixes are incorporated. Debian aims to create /stable/
>>     releases about every 18 months, although that doesn't always
>>     happen. /Stable's/ CDs and DVDs can be found in the Debian web
>>     site.^[74]
>>     <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian#cite_note-distributions-73>
>>   * *testing*, presently aliased /*squeeze*/, is what the next major
>>     release will be and is currently being tested. The packages
>>     included in this distribution have had some testing in /unstable/
>>     but they may not be completely fit for release yet. It contains
>>     more modern packages than /stable/ but older than /unstable/. This
>>     distribution is updated continuously until it enters the "frozen"
>>     state. Security updates for /testing/ distribution are provided by
>>     Debian testing security team. /Testing's/ CDs and DVDs can be
>>     found on the Debian web site.^[74]
>>     <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian#cite_note-distributions-73>
>>   * *unstable*, permanently aliased /*sid*/, repository contains
>>     packages currently under development; it is updated continuously.
>>     This repository is designed for Debian developers who participate
>>     in a project and need the latest libraries available, therefore it
>>     will not be as stable as the other distributions. There are no
>>     CDs/DVDs because it is rapidly changing but the other two
>>     distributions can be upgraded to /unstable/.^[74]
>>     <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian#cite_note-distributions-73>
>>     [edit
>> <http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Debian&action=edit&section=16>]
>>     Additional repositories
>> The DFSG <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian_Free_Software_Guidelines>
>> adhere to a strict interpretation of FOSS
>> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open_source_software>. This is why a
>> relatively small number of packages are excluded from the distributions'
>> /main/ repositories and included inside the /non-free/ and /contrib/
>> repositories. These two repositories are not officially part of Debian
>> GNU/Linux.
>>   * *non-free*: repositories include packages which do not comply with
>>     the DFSG
>>     <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian_Free_Software_Guidelines>.^[74]
>>     <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian#cite_note-distributions-73>
>>   * *contrib*: repositories include packages which do comply with the
>>     DFSG
>>     <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian_Free_Software_Guidelines>,
>>     but may fail other requirements. For instance, they may depend on
>>     packages which are in /non-free/.^[74]
>>     <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian#cite_note-distributions-73>
>> These are other repositories available in Debian:
>>   * *experimental*: is not actually a full (self-contained)
>>     development distribution, it is meant to be a temporary staging
>>     area for highly experimental software. Dependencies missing are
>>     most likely found in /unstable/. Debian warns that these packages
>>     are likely unstable or buggy and are to be used at the user's own
>>     risk.^[74]
>>     <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian#cite_note-distributions-73>
>>   * *volatile project*: repository contains updates to the /stable/
>>     and /oldstable/ release for programs whose functionality requires
>>     frequent updates. Some packages aim at fast moving targets, such
>>     as spam filtering and virus scanning, and even when using updated
>>     data patterns, they do not really work for the full time of a
>>     /stable/ release. The main goal of /volatile/ is allowing system
>>     administrators to update their systems in a nice, consistent way,
>>     without getting the drawbacks of using /unstable/, even without
>>     getting the drawbacks for the selected packages. So
>>     /debian-volatile/ will only contain updates to programs that are
>>     necessary to keep them functional.^[75]
>>     <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian#cite_note-74>
>>   * *oldstable*, presently aliased /*etch*/, is the previous /stable/
>>     release. It is supported until 1 year after a new /stable/ is
>>     released. Debian recommends to update to the new /stable/ once it
>>     has been released.
>> Nota que habla de 3 distribuciones.
>> Si estamos equivocados es por seguir documentación errónea como la mostrada.
>> Saludos.
>> Juan
> Por favor estimados, no seguir al pie de la letra lo que publican
> distintos sitios (incluido wikipedia), sempre es mejor ir a la fuente,
> en este caso debian.org.
> Discusiones así  en ocasiones son parte o derivan en trolleos.
Correcto, no tengo nada que decir. En vez de ayudar, la gente prefiere
entrar en discusiones absurdas, si llamarle o no "rama" a
Pues no es una "rama" en si (no existe desarrollo directo), pero lo
cierto es que es un repo de paquetes, como lo es stable, testing y
sid. Qué absurdo tener que andar a aclarar que es rama, rama, de
verdad, de la buena.

En fin. Saludos.

aabilio - http://linfox.es
GPG id C7B08605 Abilio Almeida Eiroa (aabilio)

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