On Monday 10 January 2011 22:02:25 Julio wrote:
> > SIC: "Es que el si cambias de IP al revisar correo interfiere en el
> > relay"
> Con todo respeto... menuda parida. O sea que los que tengan IP dinámica
> no pueden leer correo.

¿Parida? Me juego una caña a que están usando el Generador de Excusas 
Aleatorias del BOFH. :-D

Iván Sánchez Ortega <i...@sanchezortega.es> <i...@geonerd.org>

        It seems there's this magician working one of the luxury cruise ships
for a few years.  He doesn't have to change his routines much as the audiences
change over fairly often, and he's got a good life.   The only problem is the
ship's parrot, who perches in the hall and watches him night after night, year
after year.  Finally, the parrot figures out how almost every trick works and
starts giving it away for the audience.  For example, when the magician makes
a bouquet of flowers disappear, the parrot squawks "Behind his back!  Behind
his back!"  Well, the magician is really annoyed at this, but there's not much
he can do about it as the parrot is a ship's mascot and very popular with the
        One night, the ship strikes some floating debris, and sinks without
a trace.  Almost everyone aboard was lost, except for the magician and the
parrot.  For three days and nights they just drift, with the magician clinging
to one end of a piece of driftwood and the parrot perched on the other end.
As the sun rises on the morning of the fourth day, the parrot walks over to
the magician's end of the log.  With obvious disgust in his voice, he snaps
"OK, you win, I give up.  Where did you hide the ship?"

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