On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, Virgilio Gómez Rubio wrote:

>   He leido en ciertos mensajes de la lista que actualmente es imposible
> hacerse desarrollador. ¿Es verdad? Si es así, ¿a qué se debe?

De la lista debian-news, mensaje del 12 de octubre:

It's official: Debian is not currently accepting new members. Wichert
Akkerman posted explaining the situation: "As you may have heard or even
experienced yourself, Debian's new-maintainer team is currently not
processing requests. The team wanted to resolve some problems they observed
with the way Debian maintainership is currently handled, and decided to
close new-maintainer until these have been fixed." He also explained what is
being done to rectify the situation: "We are currently working on a new
structure for handling new-maintainer requests, and hope to have this
finished as soon as possible. There will be a proposal on this posted on the
debian-devel list in the near future. Once the new structure is in place
new-maintainer will be reopened, and we will make an announcement."

Puedes ver el mensaje original completo en:


[http://ceu.fi.udc.es/gpul - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://humbolt.geo.uu.nl/eulug]

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