el proxy de salida de infomed es proxy.sld.cu ..revisa en el fichero al

> buenas, ya no se que linea poner, pero esta configuracion que tengo
> del squid no me navega fuera de la red de infomed. Por favor aqui les
> envio el squid para que me digan que hacer.
> Gracias
> ########################################
> ###### WELCOME TO SQUID 2.7.STABLE9 ####
> ###### ---------------------------- ####
> ########################################
> cache_peer prox.sld.cu parent 3128 0 proxy-only
> cache_peer_domain prox.sld.cu !.sld.cu
> nonhierarchical_direct off
> auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/ncsa_auth /etc/squid/auth/passwd
> auth_param basic children 15
> auth_param basic realm Servidor Proxy
> auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
> auth_param basic casesensitive off
> authenticate_cache_garbage_interval 1 hour
> # Recommended minimum configuration:
> acl all src all
> acl manager proto cache_object
> acl localhost src
> acl to_localhost dst
> # Example rule allowing access from your local networks.
> acl localnet src  # RFC1918 possible internal network
> acl SSL_ports port 443                # https
> acl SSL_ports port 563                # snews
> acl SSL_ports port 873                # rsync
> acl Safe_ports port 80                # http
> acl Safe_ports port 21                # ftp
> acl Safe_ports port 443               # https
> acl Safe_ports port 70                # gopher
> acl Safe_ports port 210               # wais
> acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535        # unregistered ports
> acl Safe_ports port 280               # http-mgmt
> acl Safe_ports port 488               # gss-http
> acl Safe_ports port 591               # filemaker
> acl Safe_ports port 777               # multiling http
> acl Safe_ports port 631               # cups
> acl Safe_ports port 873               # rsync
> acl Safe_ports port 901               # SWAT
> acl purge method PURGE
> acl CONNECT method CONNECT
> #
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> visible_hostname PROXY.PHMRGG.SLD.CU  *
> error_directory /usr/share/squid/errors/Spanish
> #Mis ACL
> acl admins_ip src
> # Restringue uso de lunes a viernes de 6 a 23
> #acl Solode8a23_L_V time MTWHF 06:00-23:00
> acl filter url_regex "/etc/squid/regularesNO"
> # Aqui agregamos los sitios prohibidos
> acl sitiosdenegados url_regex "/etc/squid/sitiosdenegados"
> acl dom_prohi dstdomain "/etc/squid/domprohi"
> # sitios permitidos para apoderados
> acl sitiosapoderado url_regex "/etc/squid/sitiosapoderado"
> # acl domapoderado dstdomain "/etc/squid/domapoderado"
> # sitios permitidos
> acl sitiospermitidos url_regex "/etc/squid/permitidos"
> # sitios Nacionales puros
> acl sitiosnacionales url_regex "/etc/squid/nacionales"
> # ficheros permitidos
> # acl ficherosi url_regex "/etc/squid/ficherosi"
> # ficheros NO  permitidos
> acl ficheroNo urlpath_regex -i "/etc/squid/ficheroNo"
> # no cacheo
> acl IMAGENES urlpath_regex jpg gif png swf JPG GIF PNG SWF
> acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin cgi \? php asp html htm xml pl
> no_cache allow IMAGENES
> no_cache deny QUERY
> refresh_pattern .               0       0%      0
> # Aqui agregas en cada linea los usuarios que van a tener acceso a
> internet
> acl full_users proxy_auth "/etc/squid/auth/inet"
> # Aqui agregas en cada linea los usuarios que solo tienen acceso nacional
> acl nac_users proxy_auth "/etc/squid/auth/nac"
> # Aqui acceso de los apoderados
> acl apoderado_users proxy_auth "/etc/squid/auth/apoderado"
> ################# MSN bloques #################
> acl libmsnmessenger url_regex gateway.dll
> acl msn dstdomain loginnet.passport.com
> acl MSN2 dstdomain messenger.hotmail.com
> acl MSN3 dstdomain gateway.messenger.hotmail.com
> #Mis http_access
> http_access deny msn
> http_access deny MSN2
> http_access deny MSN3
> http_access deny libmsnmessenger
> ################# MSN bloques #################
> # http_access allow ficherosi
> http_access deny ficheroNo
> # solo permite el trabajo de lunes a viernes de 6 a 23 horas
> # http_access deny !Solode8a23_L_V
> http_access allow sitiospermitidos
> http_access deny sitiosdenegados
> http_access deny dom_prohi
> http_access allow admins_ip
> http_access allow full_users
> http_access deny full_users
> http_access allow apoderado_users sitiosapoderado
> http_access deny apoderado_users
> http_access allow nac_users sitiosnacionales
> http_access deny nac_users
> # And finally deny all other access to this proxy
> http_access deny all
> #Allow ICP queries from local networks only
> icp_access allow localnet
> icp_access deny all
> http_port transparent
> #
> #Default:
> cache_mem 512 MB
> #  TAG: maximum_object_size_in_memory (bytes)
> #     Objects greater than this size will not be attempted to kept in
> #     the memory cache. This should be set high enough to keep objects
> #     accessed frequently in memory to improve performance whilst low
> #     enough to keep larger objects from hoarding cache_mem.
> #
> #Default:
> # maximum_object_size_in_memory 8 KB
> #  TAG: memory_replacement_policy
> #     The memory replacement policy parameter determines which
> #     objects are purged from memory when memory space is needed.
> #
> #     See cache_replacement_policy for details.
> #
> #Default:
> # memory_replacement_policy lru
> #
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #  TAG: cache_dir
> #     Usage:
> #Default:
> cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid 2048 32 256
> #  TAG: cache_swap_low        (percent, 0-100)
> #  TAG: cache_swap_high       (percent, 0-100)
> #Default:
> cache_swap_low 90
> cache_swap_high 95
> #  TAG: access_log
> access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid
> #  TAG: cache_log
> #Default:
> # cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log
> #  TAG: cache_store_log
> #Default:
> # cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log
> #  TAG: cache_swap_state
> #
> #     If have more than one 'cache_dir', and %s is not used in the name
> #     these swap logs will have names such as:
> #
> #             cache_swap_log.00
> #             cache_swap_log.01
> #             cache_swap_log.02
> #
> #Default:
> # none
> #  TAG: logfile_rotate
> #     Specifies the number of logfile rotations to make when you
> #     type 'squid -k rotate'.  #
> #Default:
> logfile_rotate 30
> #  TAG: emulate_httpd_log     on|off
> #Default:
> emulate_httpd_log on
> #Suggested default:
> refresh_pattern ^ftp:         1440    20%     10080
> refresh_pattern ^gopher:      1440    0%      1440
> refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0   0%      0
> refresh_pattern (Release|Package(.gz)*)$      0       20%     2880
> # example line deb packages
> #refresh_pattern (\.deb|\.udeb)$   129600 100% 129600
> refresh_pattern .             0       20%     4320
> #  TAG: upgrade_http0.9
> # Don't upgrade ShoutCast responses to HTTP
> acl shoutcast rep_header X-HTTP09-First-Line ^ICY.[0-9]
> upgrade_http0.9 deny shoutcast
> #  TAG: broken_vary_encoding
> acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache
> broken_vary_encoding allow apache
> #  TAG: extension_methods
> #  TAG: prefer_direct
> #Default:
> prefer_direct on
> #  TAG: always_direct
> #     Usage: always_direct allow|deny [!]aclname ...
> always_direct allow all
> #  TAG: hosts_file
> hosts_file /etc/hosts
> #  TAG: ignore_unknown_nameservers
> #     By default Squid checks that DNS responses are received
> #     from the same IP addresses they are sent to.  If they
> #     don't match, Squid ignores the response and writes a warning
> #     message to cache.log.  You can allow responses from unknown
> #     nameservers by setting this option to 'off'.
> #  TAG: ipcache_size  (number of entries)
> #  TAG: ipcache_low   (percent)
> #  TAG: ipcache_high  (percent)
> #     The size, low-, and high-water marks for the IP cache.
> #
> #Default:
> ipcache_size 1024
> ipcache_low 90
> ipcache_high 95
> #  TAG: coredump_dir
> coredump_dir /var/spool/squid
> # Usar FTP pasivo
> ftp_passive             on
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> --
> Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que
> ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema
> Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de
> usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas
> Infomed: http://www.sld.cu/
> --
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-spanish-requ...@lists.debian.org
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> listmas...@lists.debian.org
> Archive:
> http://lists.debian.org/20111125124650.14264r7124u97...@webmail.sld.cu


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas

Infomed: http://www.sld.cu/

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-spanish-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

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