El miércoles 19 de enero de 2000 a la(s) 19:06:30 +0100, Manel Marin contaba:
>El problemin que escuentro es que aunque el "get" del ncftp2 baja los
> archivo solo si no han cambiado, el "put" los sube siempre aunque no
> hayan cambiado, gastando tiempo de conexión inutilmente :-(
>¿Y cuando tenga 4MB que hago?

Package: sitecopy
Section: web
Priority: extra
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.1)
Description: A program for managing a WWW site via FTP
 sitecopy is for copying locally stored websites to remote ftp servers.
 The program will upload files to the server which have changed locally,
 and delete files from the server which have been removed locally, to keep
 the remote site synchronized with the local site, with a single command.


 Just do it.

David Serrano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/fserrano
In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.14    Linux Registered User #87069

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