On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 09:47:40AM +0100, Barbie Dominatrix wrote:
> El día 26/01/00 Tejada Lacaci, Antonio decía:
>    Muchas gracias por la información. Funciona de maravilla. Lo que me
> mosquea es que mi página de manual de mount(8) no dice nada de la opción
> "nojoliet".
>   Con esto se solucionan bastantes problemas que tenemos en nuestra
> red. :-)

Más que no estár, está camuflado,

de mount(8):
Mount options for iso9660
       Normal  iso9660  filenames  appear  in a 8.3 format (i.e.,
       DOS-like restrictions on filename length), and in addition
       all  characters are in upper case.  Also there is no field
       for file ownership, protection, number of links, provision
       for block/character devices, etc.

       Rock Ridge is an extension to iso9660 that provides all of
       these unix like features.  Basically there are  extensions
       to each directory record that supply all of the additional
       information, and when Rock Ridge is in use, the filesystem
       is  indistinguishable  from  a  normal  UNIX  file  system
       (except that it is read-only, of course).

       norock Disable the use of Rock Ridge extensions,  even  if
              available.  Cf.  map.   nojoliet Disable the use of
                                 Esto está en negrita, pero por un typo
deben haber olvidado ponerlo en una línea aparte.
He reportado el bug.
              Microsoft Joliet extensions, even if available. Cf.


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