On Fri, Jun 16, 2000 at 04:37:13AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ..."Lots of security holes have been dealt with since the last edition of
> Debian Weekly News:
> * A fix for the capabilities-related local root compromise in kernel
>     2.2.15 was [21]backported into the Debian package of kernel
>     2.2.15 ..."

Desconozco si había paquetes de 2.2.15 para Slink. Si es así, esos estarían
afectados. Te aseguro que los de Potato no.

   kernel: bug in capabilities handling allows root exploits

   Date Reported:
          12 Jun 2000
   Affected Packages:
          kernel-image, kernel-source
   For more information:
          There is a widely-reported problem with the handling of POSIX
          capabilities in the linux kernel that can lead to root
          compromise in setuid applications. This bug does not affect
          kernels in the 2.0 or earlier series; the 2.0 kernels installed
          by default in debian 2.1 (slink) are not vulnerable. If you are
          running a kernel with a version of 2.1.*, 2.2.*, or 2.3.*, you
          should upgrade immediately.
   Fixed in:
          The Debian kernel source package currently in potato,
          kernel-source-2.2.15-3, and binaries built from it, such as
          kernel-image-2.2.15-2 (or more recent versions), are patched to
          prevent this vulnerability. If you prefer to download kernel
          source from a mirror of ftp.kernel.org instead of using the
          debian package, you should download 2.2.16 or better.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in    || [EMAIL PROTECTED]      || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]          || http://debian.org

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