El fichero  /etc/init.d/postgresql  con start y stop sirve para arrancar o
parar el demonio.

Pero para que acepte peticiones de red debes modificar el fichero
/etc/postgresql/postmaster.init   Tendrá algo parecido a esto:

# Whether to allow connections through TCP/IP as well as through Unix
# sockets: yes/no.
# By default, for greater security, we do not allow TCP/IP access.
# This means that only users on this machine can access the database.
PGALLOWTCPIP=yes     <---- Esta línea normalmente viene comentada

# The Internet TCP port on which postmaster is to listen for connections
# from frontend applications.
PGPORT=5432                     <------ Y esta también

# Locale setting for the postmaster and backend to use: this is not
# necessary for US.........


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