>     Cuando lanzo el ls -l, veo los permisos, el propietario....pero q es el
> numero q aparece
>     despues de los permisos????????????
info ls

What information is listed

   These options affect the information that `ls' displays.  By
default, only file names are shown.

     With the long listing (`-l') format, print an additional line after
     the main output:

          //DIRED// BEG1 END1 BEG2 END2 ...

     The BEGN and ENDN are unsigned integers that record the byte
     position of the beginning and end of each file name in the output.
     This makes it easy for Emacs to find the names, even when they
     contain unusual characters such as space or newline, without fancy

     If directories are being listed recursively (`-R'), output a
     similar line after each subdirectory:

etcetera, etcetera


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