Carles Pina i Estany dijo:
> No encuentro ningun encoder de mp3 en la Woody (para comprimir)... cual
> usais?

Yo uso ripperx. Mola un montón.
Te paso mi .ripperxrc para que lo veas...

(O_   C retains the basic philosophy that programmers know what they are 
//\   doing; it only requires that they state their intentions explicitly
V_/                                     - Kernighan and Ritchie (K&R) -
         <? $Amaya = (Sysadmin && Developer) @;
          print "(ºº) - Networking on the move!";  ?>
// ~/.ripperXrc
// This is resource file for ripperX.
// Do not edit this file with editors. You can configure
// everything in the config menu.

//-V 2.0

General::WavRatio = 0,000000
General::Mp3Ratio = 0,000000
General::ShellForExecution = /bin/sh
General::WavPath = /mnt/5
General::Mp3Path = /mnt/linux/golfadas/mp3/
General::CDDBPath = ./.cddbslave
General::WavFileNameFormat = track%
General::Mp3FileNameFormat = %# track%
General::PrependChar = _
General::MakeMp3FromExistingWav = 0
General::AskWhenFileExists = 1
General::AutoAppendExtension = 1
General::KeepWav = 0
Ripper::Ripper = cdparanoia                
Ripper::Plugin = ripperX_plugin-cdparanoia
Encoder::Encoder = bladeenc
Encoder::Bitrate = 192
Encoder::VarBitrate = 1
Encoder::HighQual = 1
Encoder::useCRC = 1
Encoder::extraOptions = 
Encoder::fullCommand = bladeenc -br 192   -crc 
Encoder::Plugin = ripperX_plugin-bladeenc
CdPlayer::Play_command = cdplay play %
CdPlayer::Stop_command = cdplay stop
WavPlayer::Command = splay %
Mp3Player::Command = mpg123 %
CDDBConfig::Server =
CDDBConfig::Port = 80
CDDBConfig::UseHttp = 1
CDDBConfig::ProxyServer = 
CDDBConfig::ProxyPort = 80
CDDBConfig::ConvertSpaces = 1
CDDBConfig::MakeDirectories = 1
CDDBConfig::CreateID3 = 1
CDDBConfig::AutoLookup = 1
CDDBConfig::FormatString = %#-%a - %s
CDDBConfig::DirFormatString = %a - %v

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