El jue, 08 de mar de 2001, a las 09:27:03 +0000, Manuel Clos se expresó así:
> Javier Fafián Alvarez escribió:
> ..
> ../boot
> ../boot/2.4.0-1
> ../boot/2.4.0-1.txt
> ../boot/grub
> ../boot/grub/stage1
> ../boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5
> ../boot/grub/fat_stage1_5
> ../boot/grub/ffs_stage1_5
> ../boot/grub/minix_stage1_5
> ../boot/grub/reiserfs_stage1_5
> ../boot/grub/stage2
> ../boot/grub/menu.lst
> ../Image.gz

> # This is the amount grub waits in seconds before booting the default entry
> # Use `0' if you're sure that the default entry is correct, and you
> # don't want to enter GRUB's user interface.
> timeout 5
> # Tell which entry to boot by default.  Note that this is origin zero
> # from the beginning of the file.
> default 3
> # Note that to GRUB, all hard disks are `hd' and all floppy disks are `fd'.
> # To Mach, SCSI disks are `sd' and IDE type disks are `hd'.  Use
> # GRUB names in the `root' command and prefixing filenames.  Use a
> # Mach name as the `root' arg for the kernel, and whenever running the Hurd.
> color blue/black light-gray/black
> # These two entries are for SCSI disks
> # Entry 0:
> title  Linux - kernel 2.4.0
> savedefault
> root   (hd0,1)
> kernel /boot/2.4.0 root=/dev/hda2 read-only
> # Entry 1:
> title  Windows 95
> rootnoverify (hd0,0)
> # makeactive
> chainloader /bootsect.dos
> # Entry 2:
> title  Windows 2000
> savedefault
> root   (hd0,0)
> # makeactive
> # Chainload from the first sector
> chainloader +1
> # Entry 3:
> title  Disco de Arranque Linux
> root   (fd0)
> kernel /boot/2.4.0-1 root=/dev/ram0
> initrd=/Image.gz
> # Entry 4:
> title   Apagar el equipo
> halt

Hola, veo que tienes el w2000 en marcha. Lo pusiste después de tener linux
en marcha? Qué se ha de hacer en ese caso? Tengo dos discos duros. En el
primero tengo w98 y Mandrake (uso el /boot/ de Mandrake para bootear varias
distros), en el 2º, tengo debian, suse y 9 Gb libres. Alguna recomendación?

Gracias por tu tiempo y tu ayuda

Saludos. Pepe

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