Rusty dijo:
> Buenas queridos amigos,mi cosulta viene a decir lo mismo k el subject,es
> decir hay alguien k tenga una Hewlett Packard Deskjet 720 C y que le
> funciones en Debian.Yo la conseguí hacer imprimir con una mandrake k tuve
> instalada,pero con la debian no lo consigo.Por favor sería importante recibir
> vuestra ayuda porke estoy hasta las narices de tener windows solo para
> imprimir.

Pégate con magicfilter (ejecuta magicfilterconfig) y luego la dejas fina fina
con las djtools.

Description: automatic printer filter.
 Magicfilter is a customizable, extensible automatic printer filter.
 It uses its own magic database (à la file(1)) to decide how to print
 out an given print job.

Description: Tools for HP DeskJet printer.
 These tool purpose is to make better use of the HP DeskJet. They allow to
 send commands to a printer as well as make better use of the HP DeskJet's
 text modes.
 These programs were written for the HP DeskJet 500 series but should work
 with all printers that understand HP PCL.
  If you don't spend energy getting what you want, you'll have to spend it
  dealing with what you get.                                     - Unknown
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (Kernel 2.4.2) on this Dell Laptop 

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