Tengo woody que viene con el wuftp y en KDE hay una interfaz grafica para 
configurar el wuftp la cuestion es que por ejemplo le mando a mi primo la 
direccion de IP (ya que es dinamica) el intenta acceder y le dice que el 
login es incorrecto la verdad que no le encuentro la vuelta.
Mando el archivo ftpacces a ver que puede ser.

Gracias de antemano y saludos.
# This file was generated by the KDE wu-ftpd configurator.
# (c) 2000 by Bernhard Rosenkränzer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
class ftp anonymous *.*.*.*
autogroup src ftp
limit ftp	0x80f7e98noretrieve
loginfails 9
private no
chmod	no	anonymous,guest,real
delete	no	anonymous,guest,real
overwrite	no	anonymous,guest,real
rename	no	anonymous,guest,real
umask	no	anonymous,guest,real
passwd-check	trivial	warn
log commands anonymous
log security anonymous
log transfers anonymous inbound
log transfers anonymous outbound
log syslog
anonymous-root /home/ftp
guest-root /home/ftp
dl-free-dir * /home/ftp/pub
dl-free-dir * /home/ftp/pub
dl-free-dir * /home/ftp/pub
dl-free-dir * /home/ftp/pub
mailserver localhost

# /etc/ftpusers: list of users disallowed FTP access. See ftpusers(5).

    You used an illegal filename. The filenames for anonymous users
    must be made of only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and "._-+" and
    may not begin with a "." or a "-".

    Sorry, access from your host is denied, because it does not have
    a valid reverse DNS record. Please contact your admin and fix it.

Welcome, archive user [EMAIL PROTECTED] !

The local time is: %T

This is an experimental FTP server.  If have any unusual problems,
please report them via e-mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

If you do have problems, please try using a dash (-) as the first
character of your password -- this will turn off the continuation
messages that may be confusing your FTP client.
# ftpservers file:
# Format of the file is:
#    ipaddr/hostname   directory-containing-configuration-files
#   /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess.somedomain/
#  /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess.someotherdomain/
#    some.domain      INTERNAL
# The server parses the file and tries to match the IP address connected
# to one found in the ftpservers file.  If a match is found then the path
# to the specified directory that contains the configuration files
# for that specific domain is returned.  If a match is not found, or 
# an invalid directory path is encountered like above, default 
# paths to the configuration files to use are returned.
# You can use the actual IP address or a specific hostname.
#      /etc/ftpd/config/faqs.org/
#    ftp.some.domain    /etc/ftpd/config/faqs.org/
# As usual, comments and blanklines are ignored.
    Sorry, there are too many users using the system at this time.
    There is currently a limit of %M users.  Please try again later.

# ftpconversions(5) -- wu-ftpd on-the-fly file conversion settings
# Fields (separated with `:') are:
#  1. reserved (prefix to strip from real filename)
#  2. suffix to strip from real filename
#  3. reserved (prefix to add to real filename)
#  4. suffix to add to real filename
#  5. external command to do conversion (full paths under ~ftp/ required!)
#  6. types of data which may be converted (T_REGular files, T_DIRectories, T_ASCII transfers)
#  7. log which conversions were used (O_TARring, O_COMPRESSing, O_UNCOMPRESSing)
#  8. description of conversion
 :.Z: : :/bin/compress -d -c %s :T_REG|T_ASCII:O_UNCOMPRESS:uncompress
 :    : :.Z:/bin/compress -c %s:T_REG:O_COMPRESS:compress
 :.gz: : :/bin/gzip -cd %s:T_REG|T_ASCII:O_UNCOMPRESS:gunzip
 :    : :.gz:/bin/gzip -c9 %s:T_REG:O_COMPRESS:gzip
 :.bz2: : :/bin/bzip2 -cd %s:T_REG|T_ASCII:O_UNCOMPRESS:bunzip2
 :    : :.bz2:/bin/bzip2 -c9 %s:T_REG:O_COMPRESS:bzip2
 :.zip: : :/bin/zip -q -r -9 - %s:T_REG|T_DIR:O_TAR|O_COMPRESS:zip
 :    : :.zip:/bin/unzip -q -c - %s:T_REG|T_DIR:O_TAR|O_UNCOMPRESS:unzip
 :    : :.tar:/bin/tar -chf - %s:T_REG|T_DIR:O_TAR:tar
 :    : :.tar.Z:/bin/tar -chZf - %s:T_REG|T_DIR:O_COMPRESS|O_TAR:tar+compress
 :    : :.tar.gz:/bin/tar -chzf - %s:T_REG|T_DIR:O_COMPRESS|O_TAR:tar+gzip
 :    : :.tgz:/bin/tar -chzf - %s:T_REG|T_DIR:O_COMPRESS|O_TAR:tar+gzip
 :    : :.tar.bz2:/bin/tar -chIf - %s:T_REG|T_DIR:O_COMPRESS|O_TAR:tar+bzip2
 :    : :.ltar:/bin/tar -cf - %s:T_REG|T_DIR:O_TAR:tar
 :    : :.ltar.Z:/bin/tar -cZf - %s:T_REG|T_DIR:O_COMPRESS|O_TAR:tar+compress
 :    : :.ltar.gz:/bin/tar -czf - %s:T_REG|T_DIR:O_COMPRESS|O_TAR:tar+gzip
    Sorry, access from your host/domain (%R) is restricted.
    Please e-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for more information.

# Debian default wu-ftpd `ftpaccess' configuration file, derived from
# the `ftpaccess.heavy' example in wu-ftpd sources.
# For more options/commands see ftpaccess(5) and /usr/share/doc/wu-ftpd/*.

# Some of the example message files have been translated to Spanish,
# and are available in /usr/share/doc/wu-ftpd/examples/.
# (thanks to Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Pen~a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# E-mail address of the FTP admin, can be accessed via the %E in messages.

# Which UIDs and GIDs may, and which may not use the FTP service.
#deny-uid %-99
#deny-gid %-99
#allow-uid ftp ftpadmin
#allow-gid ftp ftpadmin

# Maximum number of retries after login failures, before disconnecting.
loginfails 9

# Can users see anything else but their home directory
#restricted-uid lamer
#unrestricted-gid ftpadmin

# Allow use of private file for SITE GROUP and SITE GPASS?
#private	no

# What kind of greeting to give.
#greeting <full|brief|terse|text somemessage>

# Banner to show immediately on connect.
#banner /etc/wu-ftpd/welcome.msg

# Deny access to specified hosts, with message.
#deny	*.microsoft.com			/etc/wu-ftpd/msg.deny
#deny	/etc/wu-ftpd/denied.hosts	/etc/wu-ftpd/msg.deny
# !nameserved means hosts that can't be resolved.
#deny	!nameserved	/etc/wu-ftpd/msg.nodns

# Various DNS related options.
#dns refuse_mismatch <filename> [override]
#dns refuse_no_reverse <filename> [override]
#dns resolveroptions [options]

# Class	name	typelist		addresses
#class	local 	real,guest,anonymous	*.my.domain
#class	remote 	real,guest,anonymous	*
class   all	real,guest,anonymous	*

# Limit	who	how many	date/time	message file
#limit	local	20	Any			/etc/wu-ftpd/msg.toomany
#limit	remote	100	SaSu|Any1800-0600	/etc/wu-ftpd/msg.toomany
limit   all   	10   	Any        		/etc/wu-ftpd/msg.toomany

# The files that wu-ftpd will recognize as must-be-read, and display them.
message /welcome.msg            login
message .message                cwd=*

# The files that wu-ftpd will recognize as should-be-read, and warn about them.
readme  README*    login
readme  README*    cwd=*

# Whether to use compression.
compress        yes             local remote all
tar             yes             local remote all

# Logging of actions.
#log commands  anonymous,guest,real
#log security
#log syslog
log transfers anonymous,guest,real inbound,outbound

# The file wu-ftpd will check to see if the server is going to be shut down.
# (use ftpshut to generate it)
shutdown /etc/wu-ftpd/shutmsg

# These files are marked unretrievable
noretrieve /etc/passwd /etc/group
noretrieve core

# The directory to which anonymous FTP user will chroot to.
# Note: if you change this {add,rm}ftpuser may stop functioning.
anonymous-root /home/ftp

# Password verification for the anonymous FTP user.
#		<none|trivial|rfc822>  [<enforce|warn>]
passwd-check    none
# Esto viene de la linea de arriba #rfc822  enforce

# Maximum connection time in minutes
#limit-time anonymous 30

# Some permissions for the anonymous FTP user.
# All the following default to "yes" for everybody
rename		no	anonymous		# rename permission?
delete		no	anonymous		# delete permission?
overwrite	no	anonymous		# overwrite permission?
chmod		no	anonymous		# chmod permission?
umask		no	anonymous		# umask permission?

# Anonymous FTP directories upload settings
# 	anon-ftp-root	path		allow?	owner	group	mode	dirs?
upload	/home/ftp	*		no
upload	/home/ftp	/pub/incoming	yes	ftp	daemon	0666	nodirs

# What can a filename contain (this /etc is under the anonymous-FTP root)
path-filter	anonymous	/etc/pathmsg  ^[-+A-Za-z0-9_.]*$  ^\.  ^-

# Shortcuts for anonymous FTP incoming (note: the ':' isn't obligatory)
alias	incoming:	/pub/incoming
cdpath	/pub

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