Hola, gente

        Ando liada con un script que coge todas las claves públicas de
nuestro pubrig.gpg, las tira a un fichero y se pone a bajarse las
últimas versiones de dichas claves. No preguntéis por qué. Puro
aburrimiento, supongo. 

Si consigo hacerlo, me vendría muy bien para esas veces que mutt se
queda "pensando" cada vez que no puede obtener una clave. El segundo pas
sería madar un mail a cada propietario de esas claves para que la suba,
pero me parece un poco fuerte :-)

Cuando se pone a bajarse las claves, algunas no están en el servidor, y
se queda parado para siempre. Me gustaría meterle un timeout a gpg, pero
no veo cómo hacerlo, o intentar controlarlo yo, pero no lo consigo.

El script es este [casi me da vergüenza enseñarlo ;-)] y acepto todo
tipo de mejoras o sugerencias:

# Amaya Rodrigo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> November 2001 
# This is free software, under the terms of the GPL v2 or later

# This script outputs all of your public ring GPG ids and asks servers for
# updates on the keys.

# Define files to use as temporary files
# Temp files will not be needed in a later stage
# Set GPG timeout while connecting to server

# Output everything to one file
echo "Getting keys from our public ring. This may take a while..."
gpg --list-public-keys | grep pub | cut -b 12- | sort > $file 
echo "Finished getting keys from our public ring"

# Find out how many keys
max=`cat $file | wc -l `
real=`echo $[$max-1]`
echo "We have $real keys in our public ring"

# Get rid of lines we do not want, first line and names:
tail -$real $file |  cut -b -8 > $file2

# I know have all the keys

# Get each key and update it. 
# If we get no response from server in 5 seconds,
# get next one.
for i in `cat $file2` ; 
                # If key is not an empty string:
                if [ $i != "" ]; then
                                gpg --recv-key $i & 
                                sleep $timeout
                                read input
                                # If nothing happens, press q and go to next
                                # key 
                                if [ $input == q ]; then
                                        # Keep record of what failed
                                        echo $i > $file3 ;
                                        killall -9 gpg ;

echo "Removing temporal data $file"
rm -i $file $file2 $file3

gpg --update-trustdb

# Here comes the part, not yet implemented, on mailing people asking for
# their keys.
Muchas gracias :-)

        I stole all those good days, that's why they were taken away from me,
 .''`.  and they were replaced by the ones I deserve. 
: :' :                               Speaker for the dead - Orson Scott Card
`. `'          Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (Kernel 2.4.9)  
  `-        www.amayita.com  www.malapecora.com  www.chicasduras.com

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