El día vie, 18 de ene de 2002, a las 03:38:26 -0300,
   Santiago Pastorino, escribió:

  > Uso fetchmail 5.9.3+NTLM+SDPS+SSL+NLS y quisiera que a medida que va
  > bajando los mensajes los borre del servidor, [...]

# man fetchmail


-F --flush
        POP3/IMAP only. Delete old  (previously retrieved) messages from
        the mailserver before retrieving  new messages. This option does
        not  work  with ETRN.  Warning:  if  your  local MTA  hangs  and
        fetchmail is aborted,  the next time you run  fetchmail, it will
        delete mail that  was never delivered to you.  What you probably
        want is  the default  setting: if you  don't specify  `-k', then
        fetchmail  will automatically  delete messages  after successful



Alberto Gómez Lucci

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