Bueno perdi el email para responder al hilo, asi que hago uno nuevo.

Para debugear un shell script solo tienen que hacer asi:

$ sh -x script.sh



  | "GNU/Linux and free software are like women, there are many        |
  |  flavors and you can try them until found the right one" -sh       |
  | GCS d--(-) s-:- a- C+++ UL(+)++++ P+> L+++(++) E-- W+++ N++ o? K?  |
  | w-- O-- !M V+++(-) PS+++ PE+++ Y+> PGP++ t+ 5 X+++ R tv- b+> DI++  |
  | D++ G++ e+ h--@ r y+*                    .:sTone_heAd's gCb v3.1:. |
  | running Debian GNU/Linux * when code matters more than commercials | 

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