antes de pirarme a currelar... esta es la respuesta de una persona de el
foro de nvidia linux a un problema que tengo que posteé aquí i que de
momento nadie ha contestado. de momento no he podido probarlo pero
weno... x si alguien alguna vez tiene el problema que sepa que puede
intentar esto:

corrosion says:
i always had a problem with nvidia drivers in one of my machines. it
haves a geforce2mx (hercules prophet 4500 i think im not at home now).
the fonts systems become GIANT and it is not related to font antialias
or similar. I have a very similar machine with another nvidia but it is
a Riva TNT2 M64 or similar name... but this machine does not have
problems with nvidia drivers.
PLEASE is someone there who knows how to solve this problem??

bwkaz says:
It's a monitor DPI thing. I had the same problem when I switched from
driver build 769 to whichever build was after that one. With 769 and
earlier, the nVidia X driver didn't report the DPI properly (and I
thought it was just fine the way it was... whatever), so KDE 2 thought
it was 75DPI. So its 14-point font was just about the right size for a
window title.

When I went from 769 to whatever the next release was, the X driver did
start reporting the DPI properly (it was closer to 100DPI than 75), so
all of a sudden the KDE 2 14-point font got gigantic. So I made KDE use
its 8-point font instead, which ended up being just about the right

Of course, I've since stopped using KDE, but DPI was my problem. Maybe
it's something similar there? Can you make your desktop environment (or
window manager, whichever one you run) use a smaller font for

You might also try looking at your font path (xset q | grep X11R6 should
tell you the current font path), and seeing whether
the 75DPI font directory is in front of or behind the 100DPI font
directory. Moving it behind the 100DPI directory (which is
accomplished by removing it and then adding it at the end of the path)
should help:

xset fp- /usr/X11R6/lib/fonts/75dpi/
xset fp+ /usr/X11R6/lib/fonts/75dpi/

If the xset q command doesn't print anything, then you're probably using
xfs, the X font server. There's probably documentation somewhere on how
to change which directories xfs looks for fonts in, and in which order,
but I don't know where it would be, or how to do it. I don't use xfs...

Registered Linux User #219692

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