Perfecto, problema solucionado, Gracias

El sáb, 21-12-2002 a las 22:26, Juan Casa escribió:
> El sáb, 21 de dic de 2002, a las 10:08:32 +0100, trujo dijo:
> > El dselect cuando actualizo la lista me da
> > 
> > Reading Package Lists... Error!
> > E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room
> > E: Error occured while processing gideon (NewVersion1)
> > E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status
> > E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
> Buenas. En la pagina <>,
> al final del todo, pone esto:
> [..]
> This happened because Debian is so big now, that once I started listing
> multiple sources, it couldn't cope with them all with its default
> settings for its Dynamic MMap (which stands for Dynamic Memory Map I
> think). The way this gets fixed is to add the APT::Cache-Limits
> parameter to your /etc/apt/apt.conf file, with a size greater than 6MB.
> The value has to be in bytes. Thus, when I changed mine to 12MB (I
> thought doubling it might be enough) I put in the following line:
> APT::Cache-Limit 12582912;
> (12582912 is 12 * 1024 * 1024) See "man apt.conf" for more details. (And
> "man apt-config" for a command to let you see what your current config
> is).
> [..]
> No se si esto podra ayudarte. Un saludo.
> -- 
> Por una Tarifa Plana Universal y Asequible (RTB)
> <>
> Web imprescindible para los que empiezan en Linux
> <>

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