A ver,

francisco wrote:

Hola lista

He estado pensando en depurar mi woody de paquetes innecesarios
e irlos añadiendo gradualmente segun me vayan haciendo falta, asi
pues, despues de hacer una instalacion simple solo con kde y servidor
dns, web y mail. Tengo aun un monton de paquetes que no se ni para que son
ni si "molestan" o no. Teneis alguna sugerencia o alguna lista de paquetes
para configurar solo esto y desacerme de todos los paquetes innecesarios?
Mil Gracias

Pues creo que esto se contesto el otro dia:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache show debfoster
Package: debfoster
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 104
Maintainer: Ivo Timmermans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: i386
Version: 2.5-1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.4-4)
Recommends: apt
Filename: pool/main/d/debfoster/debfoster_2.5-1_i386.deb
Size: 30578
MD5Sum: 5de05eb7bfaa10d0bfe2c6d90541172c
Description: Install only wanted Debian packages
debfoster is a wrapper program for apt and dpkg.  When first run, it
will ask you which of the installed packages you want to keep
After that, it maintains a list of packages that you want to have
installed on your system.  It uses this list to detect packages that
have been installed only because other packages depended on them.  If
one of these dependencies changes, debfoster will take notice, and
ask if you want to remove the old package.
This helps you to maintain a clean Debian install, without old
(mainly library) packages lying around that aren't used any more.


Pero, pero, que cosas, en vez de irme a este, me habia ido a este otro:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache show deborphan
Package: deborphan
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 160
Maintainer: Peter Palfrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: i386
Version: 1.0-3
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.4-2), whiptail | dialog
Filename: pool/main/d/deborphan/deborphan_1.0-3_i386.deb
Size: 26336
MD5sum: 70c90e49b6f0ca49d12136fc1bd0fff2
Description: Find orphaned libraries.
deborphan finds "orphaned" packages on your system.
It determines which packages have no other packages
depending on their installation, and shows you a list of
these packages. It is most useful when finding libraries,
but it can be used on packages in all sections.


Asi, que tu eliges cual de ellos se adapta mejor a lo que quieres.

Salud y Revolución.


Libertad es poder elegir en cualquier momento. Ahora yo elijo GNU/Linux,
para no atar mis manos con las cadenas del soft propietario.
Desde El Ejido, en Almeria, usuario registrado linux #294013

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