Ruben Porras wrote:

El mar, 04-11-2003 a las 12:51, rhu_b3n escribió:
 Instalé amsn y mplayer y apartir de ese momento siempre que voy a hacer un
apt-get install o un apt-get remove o un apt-get upgrade me sale lo siguiente:


reading package lists...done
building dependency tree...done
you might want to run 'apt.get install' to correct these.
¿de verdad sale un punto? Si es así informa de esto en el sistema de
seguimiento de fallos, debería ser apt-get.

sorry,but the following packages have unmet dependecies:
amsn: depends: imlib1 but it is no installed
depends:sox but it is not installed
depends: libpng10-0 but it is not installable
depends: docker but it is not installable
depends: tcltls but it is not installable
depends: libasound2 but it is not installed
depends: libcdparanoia0 but it is not installed
depends: libdirectfv8 but it is not installed
depends: libmad0 but it is not installed
depends: libogg0 but 1.0rc3-1 is installed
depends: libsdl1.2debian but it is not installed
depends: svgalibg1
depends: libconfhelper-perl but it is not installed
W:couldn't stat source package list stable/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/list/download.kde.org_stable_3.1.4_debian_dists_stable_main_bin_ary-i384_packages) - stat (2 no such file or directory)
W: you may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
E: unmet depedencies. try using -f

Alguién me puede decir que puedo hacer para desistalar el amsn y mplayer y q todo vuelva a la normalidad???

¿has probado apt-get -f install o dpkg --purge amsn
        dpkg --purge mplayer

gracias & saludos

lo del punto fue fallo mio, y con apt-get -f install solucionado.
gracias campeon

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