On Sun, Jan 25, 2004 at 12:18:23PM -0300, Fernando M. Maresca wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 24, 2004 at 01:05:13PM +0100, Javi Castelo wrote:
> > Hola
> > 
> > tengo puestas un par de listas de correo a mi .muttrc. Siguiendo la
> > descripción del manual hago:
> > 
> lists y subscribe son dos cosas distintas:
> "lists" le informa a mutt que la dirección es de una lista, pero que no
> sos suscriptor de ella.
> "subscribe" es lo mismo pero le dice que estás suscripto a la lista.
> En este caso, mutt te va a mostrar la letra L, te va a permitir
> responder a la lista con L, y te va hacer copias para vos de los mail
> que sean respuestas a tus posts en esa lista.

        Aclaración: Tomada del manual de mutt, que aparece, al menos, pulsando 
F1 cuando estás viendo la lista de mensajes.

  list-reply (default: L)

    Reply to the current or tagged message(s) by extracting any addresses
    which match the addresses given by the ``lists or subscribe''
    commands, but also honor any Mail-Followup-To header(s) if the
    ``$honor_followup_to'' configuration variable is set.  Using this when
    replying to messages posted to mailing lists helps avoid duplicate
    copies being sent to the author of the message you are replying to.
        Es decir, que lo de pulsar L para responder a la lista debe funcionar 
tanto para listas puestas como lists como para listas puestas como suscribe. De 
hecho yo tengo puesta una como lists y me funciona.

        Siguiendo con el manual tenemos:

          3.9.  Mailing lists

    Usage: [un]lists address [ address ... ]
    Usage: [un]subscribe address [ address ... ]

        Mutt has a few nice features for ``handling mailing lists''.  In order
        to take advantage of them, you must specify which addresses belong to
        mailing lists, and which mailing lists you are subscribed to.  Once
        you have done this, the ``list-reply'' function will work for all
        known lists.  Additionally, when you send a message to a subscribed
        list, mutt will add a Mail-Followup-To header to tell other users'
        mail user agents not to send copies of replies to your personal
        address.   Note that the Mail-Followup-To header is a non-standard
        extension which is not supported by all mail user agents.  Adding it
        is not bullet-proof against receiving personal CCs of list messages.
        Also note that the generation of the Mail-Followup-To header is
        controlled by the ``followup_to'' configuration variable.

        More precisely, Mutt maintains lists of known and subscribed mailing
        lists.  Every subscribed mailing list is known.  To mark a mailing
        list as known, use the ``lists'' command.  To mark it as subscribed,
        use ``subscribe''.

        Specify as much of the address as you need to to remove ambiguity.
        For example, if you've subscribed to the Mutt mailing list, you will
        receive mail addresssed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  So, to tell Mutt that
        this is a mailing list, you could add ``lists mutt-users'' to your
        initialization file.  To tell mutt that you are subscribed to it, add
        ``subscribe mutt-users'' to your initialization file instead.  If you
        also happen to get mail from someone whose address is mutt-
        [EMAIL PROTECTED], you could use ``lists mutt-users@mutt.org'' or
        ``subscribe mutt-users@mutt.org'' to match only mail from the actual

        The ``unlists'' command is used to remove a token from the list of
        known and subscribed mailing-lists. Use ``unlists *'' to remove all

        To remove a mailing list from the list of subscribed mailing lists,
        but keep it on the list of known mailing lists, use ``unsubscribe''.

        Espero que quede claro cómo se usan estos comandos del fichero .muttrc, 
pero sobre todo que con F1 sale el manual donde buscarlo.


> Se entinde?
> De acuerdo a esto tu conf. está mal, porque si estás suscripto no
> tendrías que porner esa lista en "lists". Por otro lado no hace falta el
> @loquesea.es, es suficiente el nombre de la lista.
> Por ejemplo yo tengo esto en dos líneas por comodidad en mi .muttrc:
> # Listas
> subscribe plug-lst wm-user freebsd-newbies questions debian-user 
> debian-user-spanish
> subscribe pear-general php-general hardware pgsql python mute
> Aunque podría ser:
> # Listas
> subscribe plug-lst wm-user freebsd-newbies questions debian-user 
> debian-user-spanish pear-general php-general hardware pgsql python mute
> Salute
> --
> Fernando M. Maresca
Diego Bote Barco                Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales
Área de Matemática Aplicada     Avda. de Elvas s/nº
Departamento de Matemáticas     C.P.: 06071 BADAJOZ
Universidad de Extremadura      Tlf.: 924 289600 ext 6754 Fax: 924 289601
                correo-e: dbote (en) unex (punto) es

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