The person you've emailed, Michael ginn, is using Copytalk's spam blocking 
service to keep from receiving automated (spam) email over the phone.  The 
email you have just sent will be received by the recipient's email system  as 
normal, but he or she will not be able to listen to this email over the phone, 
via Copytalk, until you've validated your email address.


To verify that you are a real person and not a spam program please follow the 
link below.  Your original email will be delivered to Michael ginn, and you 
will automatically be added to the recipient's valid sender list.  You will 
only have to do this once; your future email will be delivered to Michael ginn 
without interruption. 




This is an automatically generated email. Please do not reply to it.


This is a service of Copytalk, the world's first mobile voice dictation and 
email system.


In addition to helping customers block spam, Copytalk also provides them with 
the ability to create dictations over their phone and have them transcribed 
into text and emailed to them. They can also send and receive emails over the 
phone. To learn more about Copytalk and receive a free two week trial, go to

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