Helix yuklemeye calisiyorum asagidaki kutuphaneler yuklu oldugu halde goremiyor ve sadece library paths imi update etmemi istiyor ama ben
bunu nasil yapicagimi bilmiyorum

Some required libraries seem to be missing from your system.  Installation
can continue without them, but you will be unable to run the HelixPlayer
without them.  You will need to install them (or if they are already present
you may simply need to update your system's library paths or LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable.
        GTK+ 2.0 (libgtk-x11-2.0.so)
        ATK 1.0 (libatk-1.0.so)
        Pango 1.0 (libpango-1.0.so)
        PangoX 1.0 (libpangox-1.0.so)

ve ayrica apt-get ten yukledigimde yine calismiyor(zaten usttekini bu calismadigi icin yapmistim)

GLib-ERROR **: gmem.c:141: failed to allocate 17149707381026848842 bytes
/usr/bin/helix-player: line 68: 14092 Aborted                 $HXPLAYBIN "$@"

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