On Tue, 2002-09-03 at 01:10, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 06:05:36PM +1000, Matthias Szupryczynski wrote:
> | He everybody,
> | 
> | I installed moleskine, and I could solve every problem, but the last 
> | one is a little bit persistent.
> | 
> | The system is a Debian 3.0 box with a 2.4.18 kernel.
> | 
> | After executing, the program is exiting with the following message:
> |     
> | >import libglade
> | >ImportError: No module named libglade
> This looks like the end of a python error message, which makes me
> think that moleskine is a python application.

Yeap, it is.

> | What package/source do I have to install to solve this ?
> The python bindings for libglade, 'python-glade'.

Ok, that works, ... until the point below ;)
Thanks anyway, one step closer to the target.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./moleskine", line 45, in ?
    app = Moleskine.app = MoleskineApp()
  File "./Moleskine/MoleskineApp.py", line 55, in __init__
  File "./Moleskine/MoleskineApp.py", line 475, in load_prefs
    count = int(self.prefs['directory names/count'])
TypeError: object can't be converted to int


Looks like a bug to me, anybody got an idea ??
The Moleskine version is 0.7.9.



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