On Sun, Sep 08, 2002 at 01:51:33PM -0400, stan wrote:
|  I have a Debian machine that several pepople use, and I have observed that
|  Gnome sounds only work for the fisrrt user that logs into a Gnome session
|  (using gdm).
|  Trying to figure out whats going on I find that a task called oafd is left
|  runing for that user even after he/she logs out. Looks like this is the
|  core of the problem.

Probably 'esd' rather than 'oafd' is the problem.  You can check that
by running 'fuser -v /dev/dsp'.

|  So, how can I fix this problem.

Have a logout script that kills esd.  It _should_ go away on its own,
but in my experience it often doesn't.  For example, my .xsession has
this at the end :

# run the session

# do some last-minute cleanup

# clean up esd
ESD=`pidof esd`
if [ -n "$ESD" ] ; then
    kill -TERM $ESD


The light of the righteous shines brightly,
but the lamp of the wicked is snuffed out.
        Proverbs 13:9

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