* Bram Jessen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020917 11:27]:
> hey,
> my network card won't work in debian (the card itself works under
> redhat/mandrake and windows) so I was wondering if I have to anything
> special to make it work under debian (it ain't on the "driver module"
> list, at least, I can't find it)

Try the 3c59x (vortex) kernel module.  This is in the list in modconf,
or you can simply modprobe 3c59x.  modconf is the Right Way to do it,
and will also ensure that the module is loaded automatically at boot.

> (I am a linux n00b, but I ain't learning anything from mandrake, so
> trying debian now :)

You're lucky; you found the One True Distro early.  Once you discover
Debian, you get spoiled and you never want to use anything else.

good times,
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  --Benjamin Franklin

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