Thus spake John Manko ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> well, i wonder.  I have only 2 IDE devices, so why are they mounting as 
> hdc and hdd instead of hda and hdb?
> That does seem strange.  

Are they. perchance, attached to the *second* connector on your IDE

MNost EIDE adapters (and MBs) have two connectors and can support 4
devices. But linux will not simply assign hda to the first available
device, etc; hda is the first device on the first chain, etc.

Just a thought. I believe you could change this with boot parameters.
|Deryk Barker, Computer Science Dept. | Music does not have to be understood|
|Camosun College, Victoria, BC, Canada| It has to be listened to.           |
|email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |                                     |
|phone: +1 250 370 4452               |         Hermann Scherchen.          |

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