I was playing with adonthell when my display froze up.  It was totally
unresponsive, and I didn't have a way to ssh in, so I had to manually
turn the machine off and then back on.  Now, trying to ssh gives

        jason@inj ( jason ) 15:57$ ssh stout
        zsh: illegal hardware instruction  ssh stout

The same happens if I try to tell sshd to start.

Everything else that I've tried thus far (from galeon to sylpheed to
the other daemons like apache) works, except for fetchmail when I tell
it to use ssl.  If I tell it to work unencrypted, it works just fine.
Otherwise, I get the same message as above.

The kernel is 2.4.19, compiled using make-kpkg.  I'm pretty sure I
don't have anything exotic going on, either in the kernel (no patches
or anything) or the hardware (it's still the same as the vendor gave
it to me 3 years ago, a K6-2 450, 96 MB RAM Compaq).  I'm 99% certain
it's the same kernel image now that I was using before the crash, but
I'm a little sloppy like that - I don't really remember.

I'm sure more information would help anyone who tries to help me, but
I'm not sure where to start.  New kernel image?  Different kernel
version?  Is it a kernel problem at all?  I tried removing and then
reinstalling ssh, but that hasn't done anything.  A google/linux
search turned up an argument between Linus and Alan Cox on some
mailing list, but nothing else of note.

Thanks in advance,



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